Opinions or Facts ~ How to utilize data to support your objective facilitation: International Facilitation Week 2021 event

This is an online event during the international facilitation week 2021.

When you facilitate a discussion, the conclusion may be based on the members’ opinions or ideas. If you want to lead the team to an objective and rational conclusion, you also need to rely on some “objective” information.

In this 60-minute-seminar, you will learn how to use data to facilitate discussion in more objective ways. 

We will focus on the following to catch and share the same information with your discussion member;

(i) Evaluation by data
(ii) Basic techniques of data visualization

This is a very basic learning seminar. Conducted by Yoshiki Kashiwagi, visiting professor of Tama Graduate School of Business in Japan.

No pre-requisites, just join us!



  1. 【締め切り間近】『5ステップで進める「データ分析・活用」実践講座【オンライン】』(5/24)

  2. 3/25 日経BP主催『課題解決のためのデータ分析入門』

  3. 【再掲】9/26 東洋経済主催「半日でデータ分析活用の標準エッセンスを学ぶ」セミナー開催

  4. BizZine連載:なぜデータ分析から「当たり前」の結果しか得られないのか?

  5. 3/7翔泳社主催『Excelによる利益シミュレーション基礎講座』やります!

  6. 実務データ分析虎の巻Vol.56(データ分析力を本当に組織の力にするために何が必要か)